National research program
and equipment for
Industry Decarbonisation
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The Priority Research and Equipment Programme (PEPR) “Supporting innovation to develop new, largely carbon-free industrial processes” (SPLEEN) is part of the France 2030 national acceleration strategy “Decarbonisation of industry” and aims to prepare a technological offering and breakthrough solutions that will help meet France’s climate commitments by 2050 and strengthen national sovereignty over technologies dedicated to decarbonisation.
The objective of the PEPR SPLEEN is to implement a structuring research programme aimed at transforming industrial processes to make them less greenhouse gas-emitting. Its aim is to encourage and support upstream research activities in the TRL 1-4 range, in line with the priorities defined as part of the national “decarbonisation of industry” acceleration strategy for France 2030. It is managed by the CNRS and IFPEN.
The program is divided into four complementary research areas:
A few figures
Targeted projects
Researchers, teacher-researchers, and engineers
Laboratories involved
Million euros budget
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