Axis 2 : Integration of low carbon

energies and efficiency

Targeted projects

Flexible burners

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Industry is responsible for around 18% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Most of these emissions are linked to the production of heat through the combustion of fossil fuels. Increasing the energy efficiency of industrial processes, in particular by integrating waste heat, and decarbonising heat production are therefore major challenges for decarbonising the sector. The replacement of fossil fuels for the generation of heat and cold must be envisaged using different vectors: solar energy, decarbonised fuels, electrification of processes, etc.

Axis 2 deals with innovations for energy efficiency and decarbonised heat, through two thematic sub-fields :

This axis is made up of a single targeted project called SHIP4D, which deals with the following themes :

Low-carbon fuels and solar thermal energy for industrial heat production

In order to meet the needs of industry in terms of high-temperature heat production, the use of new types of carbon-free (hydrogen, ammonia) or carbon-neutral (biomass-based) fuels can be envisaged. The same objective can also be achieved using solar thermal energy, more or less concentrated.

The research themes are :

Electrification of heat at the heart of industrial processes

Electricity is already used in industry, and the French energy mix (nuclear or renewable production) means that it can contribute to decarbonisation. However, there are still many processes that could be electrified, in particular for :

Recovery of waste heat

Waste heat recovery covers a wide range of temperatures and therefore a wide range of potential concepts or technologies :

New cooling production systems

Although cooling production still accounts for a minority of overall emissions, it can be made much more efficient and optimised. Two different aspects can be considered: efficient extraction of heat in energy-intensive industries; cold production, including the generation of cold points for processes.

The themes covered are :