FROZEN Project 

Flexi-fuel burner to decarbonise heat in industry

The FROZEN project aims to develop a multi-purpose burner for industrial furnaces, based on recent progress in decarbonising gas turbines used in aviation and power generation. The aim is to modify the injection system so that it can operate with hydrogen-enriched mixtures, including biogas, ammonia, partially cracked ammonia (PCA) or pure hydrogen. The aim is to ensure flexible, intelligent and resilient heat generation.

Using experiments with advanced diagnostic tools, the project will extend fundamental and technological knowledge by measuring variables representative of reactive flow, including the main species, intermediates and pollutants. These data will be used to validate high-fidelity numerical simulation models for the FROZEN burner, reaching a technological maturity level (TRL) of 4. The prototype burner and the validated numerical tools will enable industry to design burners for real-life, high-maturity applications.

54-month period – Budget of €1.97m

The consortium

CNRS, INSA Toulouse, INSA Lyon, Université d’Orléans, Ecole Centrale Supélec.


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